

Come learn about how to reuse your soft plastics to make into construction materials!

Women's Club Hockey Interest Meeting

Women's Club Hockey Interest Meeting

Come to Women's Club Hockey Interest Meeting and end of year celebration! All skill and experience levels welcome. It will be a brief overview of last season and the upcoming season. Food will be provided! It will be on Tuesday April 16th at 6pm in Science Center 162. 

AIChE Game Night

AIChE Game Night

Come have fun before the end of the semester with some games to calm ourselves before finals week! Bring your friends if you want. We will have plenty of food and plenty of games to play!

Unwind and self care GBM

Unwind and self care GBM

Reflecting on mental health, and going through some tips to keep your mental health good during finals. We will be doing coloring sheets and there will be face masks and snacks!

Springfest Concert

Springfest Concert

Clarkson Union Board's annual Springfest concert. Come join us on Cheel lawn at 8:00PM for a great time and an amazing artist

Holi Fest

Holi Fest

Holi is a Hindu Festival and a boisterous occasion, where family and friends shower one another with color powders and drench each other with water. We welcome everyone on campus to attend this celebration and join us in enjoying playing with colors and water with no regrets!