Confidentiality and Privacy
Individuals are encouraged to seek support for their emotional and physical needs. You have the right to choose to report in a confidential or non-confidential manner.
Those reporting or assisting in an investigation have certain amnesty rights.
The health and safety of every student at Clarkson is of utmost importance. Clarkson recognizes that students who have been drinking and/or using drugs (whether such use is voluntary or involuntary) at the time that violence, including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault occurs may be hesitant to report such incidents due to fear of potential consequences for their own conduct. Clarkson strongly encourages students to report domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to institution officials. A bystander acting in good faith that discloses any incident of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault to Clarkson's officials or law enforcement will not be subject to Clarkson's officials or law enforcement will not be subject to Clarkson's code of conduct action for violations of alcohol and/or drug use policies occurring at or near the time of the commission of the domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault.
A person seeking confidential emotional or medical care may contact the following resources.
Talking to these support people will not be reported to the university without your express permission.
They can offer:
- counseling
- healthcare
- coordination with other support services help understanding how to report harassment and sexual misconduct
Counseling Services- 315-268-2327
Student Health Services- 315-268-6633
HAART Advocates Call Campus Safety(315-268-6666) and ask to speak to the HAART member on duty.
After hours access to University Counselors may be obtained through Campus Safety & Security or Resident Assistants after hours. Request a confidential counselor. You do not have to explain why.
Canton Potsdam Hospital; 315-265-3300
Renewal House 315-379-9845
A contact with a confidential resource does not result in the filing of a report with the University for investigation, discipline, or any other remedial action.
The University can assist you in obtaining healthcare or you may choose to contact the healthcare provider on your own.
Student Health Services 315-268-6633
Canton Potsdam Hospital; 315-265-3300
A report to a Confidential Resource is not a report to the University and will not result in remedial action or an investigation or disciplinary action. Any person who desires remedial action (such as a change in housing, academic or work assignments) or wishes to seek disciplinary action against the respondent must make a report to one of the Responsible Administrators, listed above.
Campus Safety 315-268-6666
Responsible Administrators
The following offices and individuals have been trained to receive and respond to
reports of sexual misconduct and harassment.
• The Title IX coordinator- Jennifer Ball, 315-268-4208, 315-212-8940c
• The Dean of Students- 315-268-6620
• Human Resources-Amy McGaheran,Deputy Title IX coordinator, 315-268-3788
• Carol LaMarche, Deputy Title IX coordinator, Athletics, 315/268-4448
• Kelsey Deso, Deputy Title IX coordinator, Student Affairs, 315/268-2345
•Potsdam Police
The police department number is 315 265-2121 or 911[emergency],
and they can assist in filing a criminal complaint.
Any person may call 911 for assistance. If you or someone else needs help, call for immediate assistance. Campus
Safety can also assist the individual in making a report of a crime to local law enforcement and/or contacting a Responsible Administrator to initiate the University’s internal response mechanisms.
NYS Police 24-hour hotline at 1-844-845-7269
A victim of a crime is encouraged to, but is not required to, report the incident to local law
enforcement and pursue criminal charges. The criminal process and the University’s
disciplinary processes are not mutually exclusive or dependent on each other, meaning
that a person may pursue either a criminal complaint or University complaint or both.
In criminal cases, the preservation of evidence is critical and must be done properly and
promptly. For example, in cases of rape or other forms of sexual assault, it is important
not to shower, change clothes and even brush your hair, as physical evidence may be lost. In cases of violence or physical abuse, it is important to document injuries, including by taking photographs.
The police department can assist in filing a criminal complaint. Additionally, orders of protection and
other forms of legal protection may be available to individuals who have experienced or
are threatened with violence by a Clarkson community member or other person. In
appropriate circumstances, an order of protection may be available that restricts the
offender’s right to enter Clarkson’s property, and Clarkson will abide by a lawfully issued
order of protection.
A report to a Responsible Administrator often does, but need not necessarily, lead to an investigation or disciplinary action. The decision about what action(s) to take depends on many factors, including the complainant’s wishes, particularly in cases of sexual misconduct. A complainant may make a report to a Responsible Administrator and request that the University take no investigatory or disciplinary action. Clarkson endeavors to comply with complainants’ wishes with respect to whether responsive action is taken. However, that is not always possible.
If a complainant requests that no action be taken against the accused (i.e., no investigation or disciplinary action), the Responsible Administrator will consult with the Title IX Coordinator and the other appropriate administrators (i.e., Dean of Students (students), or Human Resources. The University’s decision as to responsive action will depend on the seriousness of the offense, whether there was a single accused or multiple, whether there is reason to believe that the accused has engaged in this or similar conduct previously, whether the circumstances suggest an ongoing or future risk to the campus community or the complainant, and similar considerations. A decision will be made and shared with the complainant.