Ohbet Cheon

Assistant Professor, Healthcare Management
Ohbet  Cheon Headshot


Ohbet Cheon, Ph.D., MPA, is an assistant professor of healthcare management at Clarkson University in the Health Care Management MBA program. She received her Ph.D. in political science from Texas A&M University, and her master of public administration and public policy from Seoul National University. Her research interests are in analyzing decision-making in health systems, assessing health disparities, and designing, implementing and evaluating health services interventions. She has published in the Health Services Research, American Journal of Medical Quality, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, Journal of Cardiac Failure, Population Health Management, International Public Management Journal, American Review of Public Administration, and Public Management Review as well as in conference proceedings, working papers and technical reports. Her research has been funded by the National Science Foundation and the Texas Medical Center Health Policy Institute. Prior to joining Clarkson University, Dr. Cheon served as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Outcomes Research at Houston Methodist Research Institute, and as a postdoctoral fellow at the NSF Center for Health Organization Transformation at Texas A&M University's School of Public Health.

Education Background

Ph.D. - 2016 Texas A&M University
MPA - 2009 Seoul National University
BA - 2007 Ewha Womans University

Courses Taught

  • HC600 - Introduction to Health Systems
  • HC633 - Healthcare Leadership
  • HC680 - Healthcare Policy

Research Interests

  • Analyzing decision-making related to strategic change initiatives in hospitals and health systems
  • Assessing disparities in healthcare utilization and health outcomes, and the impact of policy
  • Designing, implementing, and evaluating innovative health services interventions


  • Health Administration Section Scholarship, American Public Health Association (2018)
  • Faculty Fellow, The Center for Health and Nature (2019-22)


  • Cheon, O. (2020). How Do Performance Gaps Shape Managerial Strategy? The Role of Sector-Differences in U.S. Nursing Homes. International Public Management Journal, In press.
  • Cheon, O., Baek, J., Kash, B., & Jones, S. (2020). An Exploration of Community Partnerships, Safety-Net Hospitals, and Readmission Rates. Health Services Research, 55(4):531-540
  • Ramirez Del Val, F., Cheon, O., Menser, T., Jones, S., Baek, J., Kash, B., Estep, J., Sherman, V., & Tariq. N. (2020). Bariatric Surgery in End-Stage Heart Failure: Feasibility in Successful Attainment of a Target Body Mass Index. Journal of Cardiac Failure. Online ahead of print.
  • Baek, J., Cheon, O., Lee, S., & Nwana, N. (2020). Diabetes Education Desert: Re- gional Disparity Between Diabetes Prevalence and Diabetes Self-Management Education Programs in Texas. Population Health Management. Online ahead of print.
  • Cheon, O., Naufal, G., & Kash, B. (2020). When Workplace Wellness Programs Work: Lessons Learned from a Large Employer in Texas. American Journal of Health Education, 51(1): 31-39.
  • Amirkhanyan, A., Cheon, O., Davis, J., Meier, K., & Wang, F. (2019). Citizen Participation and Its Impact on Performance in U.S. Nursing Homes. American Review of Public Administration, 49 (7): 840-854.
  • Rizk, E., Swan, J., Cheon, O., Colavecchia, C., Bui, L., Kash, B., Chokshi, S., Chen, H., Johnson, M., Liebl, M., & Fink, E. (2019). Valid and Feasible Quality Indicators to Measure the Impact of Opioid Stewardship Interventions in the Hospital and Emergency Department Settings. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 76: 225-35.
  • Kash, B., Baek, J., Cheon, O., Manzano, J., Jones, S., Paranilam, J., & Phillips, R. (2019). How Leading Hospitals Operationalize Evidence-based Readmission Reduction Strategies: A Mixed-Methods Comparative Study Using Systematic Review and Survey Design. American Journal of Medical Quality 1-9.
  • Ferdinand, A., Cheon, O., Bako, A., & Kash, B. (2019). Interventions Aimed at Addressing Unplanned Hospital Readmission: A Systematic Review. Journal of Hospital Administration 8(1):16-26.
  • Baek, J., Lee, J., & Cheon, O. (2019). Community Characteristics and Regional Variations in Diabetes Prevalence in Texas Counties. Population Health Management, 22(6): 540-546.
  • Cheon, O., Song, M., Mccrea, A., & Meier, K. (2019). Healthcare in America: The Relationship between Subjective and Objective Assessments of Hospitals. International Public Management Journal. pp.1-27.
  • West, W. & Cheon, O. (2019). The Allocation of Excepted Political Positions: What and Whose Executive Priorities Do They Serve? Congress and the Presidency, June: 1-24.
  • Kash, B., Cheon, O., Halzack, N., & Miller, T. (2018). Measuring Team Effective- ness in the Healthcare Setting: An Inventory of Survey Tools. Health Services Insights 11:1-18.
  • Kash, B., Baek, J., Cheon, O., Coleman, N., & Jones, S. (2018). Successful Hospital Readmission Reduction Initiatives: Top Five Strategies to Consider Implementing Today. Journal of Hospital Administration 7(5):16-23.
  • Cheon, O., & An, S. (2016). Blowing in the Wind: A Study for Granger-Causality between Managerial Strategy and Performance. Public Management Review 19(5):686-704. 



Office Phone Number: 518/631-9897

Office Location: Off-Site (CRC)

Clarkson Box Number: Capital Region Campus

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