Industry-Academic Collaboration Took Center Stage at the 2023 CAMP Annual Technical Meeting

July 10, 2023

The 2023 CAMP Annual Technical Meeting was held recently in Corning, NY. This year, a record-setting gathering of more than 160 scientists, industry leaders, state economic development representatives and students, resulted in the largest turnout for the event in more than a decade. Most notably, Corning Inc., a Fortune 500 company specializing in advanced materials, graciously sponsored this year’s meeting. 

four attendees, including Devon Shipp and Marc Christensen, at the CAMP Technical meeting.

The well attended meeting focused on four research areas for which the Center for Advanced Materials Processing (CAMP) at Clarkson University is recognized. CAMP is a New York State-funded Center of Advanced Technology, one of 15 CATs which make it their mission to assist industry with technological challenges. 

This year, CAMP's themes revolved around three focal research areas with presentations by Clarkson faculty, Corning executives and technical experts, and other industry collaborators. Those research areas included Advanced Characterization of Materials, Advanced Technologies for Healthy Water, and Research and Technology Showcase. 

The highlight of the program was the speech delivered by Dr. Claudio Mazzali, Vice President of Global Research at Corning. Mazzali presented what it took to build a global materials research and manufacturing powerhouse and outlined a clear vision for the future. The attendees were impressed with his disarming personality, high level of expertise and visionary leadership to find solutions to challenging global and technical problems. 

The meeting also featured a well-received Materials Manufacturing & Sustainability panel. The discussion was led by Eric Xu, the Business Development Director of CAMP. The panelists consisted of Paul Scott, Director of Green Chemistry at the Estee Lauder Companies; Eric Fasser, Solutions Manager at Fuzehub; and William Jemison, Dean of the School of Engineering at Clarkson. The discussion was directed toward companies’ sustainability approaches and what that meant for both large and small companies as well as students as future employees and entrepreneurs.

After the presentations concluded, 30 Clarkson graduate students visited Corning’s Sullivan Park research facility and learned about display panel technologies, optical fiber, and emerging innovations at Corning. The tour, sponsored by one of Clarkson’s most stalwart friends, Charlie Craig, offered a rare and much desired perspective to the students on world-leading industry research. 

The CAMP team is already thinking about next year’s meeting. Dates and location will be published soon on the Center’s website. A complete lineup of talks from this year’s meeting are also available on the page.


Clarkson University is a proven leader in technological education, research, innovation and sustainable economic development. With its main campus in Potsdam, N.Y., and additional graduate program and research facilities in the Capital Region and Hudson Valley, Clarkson faculty have a direct impact on more than 7,800 students annually through nationally recognized undergraduate and graduate STEM designated degrees in engineering, business, science and health professions; executive education, industry-relevant credentials and K-12 STEM programs. Alumni earn salaries among the top 2% in the nation: one in five already leads in the c-suite. To learn more go to
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