Effective Business Communications

Effective Business Communications
Effective Communication Micro-credential Badge

When you complete this experience, you become better, more confident using email and presentations in your business communications.


  • gain a command of the role that email has in business communications, along with tried and true tips for doing it effectively 
  • build a repertoire for conveying your message in presentations 
  • add experiences for technical and proposal writing to your skill set

Being a skilled communicator can mean the difference between sealing the deal and losing to a competitor. Email and presentations are essential communication tools that when done with skill, can deliver your message with success.

This course is recommended for anyone in all disciplines seeking to sharpen their business communication skills.

The course focuses on introducing the role of effective communication in today’s business environment. First, the importance of effective communication and some basic tips are outlined. Next, we look at two important forms of communication - emails and presentations. Finally, we look at some specialized forms of communication, such as proposals and technical writing. Additional resources are provided to assist students in developing further skills.    

Browse Course Details Sample Lesson Meet the Instructors

I think this course is great for many majors. Like the course mentions, communication is key in every industry and communicating professionally is something all majors should know how to do post graduation.”

Autumn MacWilliams, ‘24 BS in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Course Details

At Clarkson, our microcredentials are designed by industry experts, built by educators.

You earn a digital badge to signal specific achievement to your professional network. These are concise, specialized skills and knowledge, providing a flexible and efficient way for learners to acquire industry-relevant competencies. The digital badge is verified through Open Badge Factory and can be added to your LinkedIn, resume, online portfolio or more.   

Learners will use narrated video lectures, lesson infographics, and external resources to prepare to pass the quizzes.

This microcredential is assessed by six auto-graded quizzes with multiple-choice and true/false question types. Earners must receive at least a 80% score on all six quizzes, and can do so using unlimited attempts.

Earners will have received at least 80% or higher on six quizzes which ask them to explain the importance of communication in their industry, implement basic communication skills and best practices, plan for, design, and deliver effective communications, and list the important elements in specialized forms of communications such as technical writing and proposal development.

Enroll NowAvailable to current students, faculty & staff.


Communication, email, presentations, technical writing, proposal writing


Asynchronous online.


Ongoing with continuous enrollment.




10 hours

Sample Lesson

Here you can sample the learning experience when you view this actual recorded presentation contained in the course. The instructor steps you through key points in the communication process with clear audio narration and attractive visual presentation.

Watch the Effective Business Communication Microcredential Sample Lesson

Meet Your Instructor - Fram Akiki

Fram Akiki is Co-Founder and President of Joun Technologies, a management, technical and educational consulting group that works with electronics and semiconductor clients on a variety of operational and strategic transformations. He is also an adjunct instructor at Clarkson University and Cal State University, teaching courses on digital transformation, analytics, and management information systems.

In his 35 years in the electronics and semiconductor industry, he has led business units with more than $ 800 million in revenue and operations groups with over $ 1.5 billion in spend. His executive assignments have spanned international locations in the areas engineering, product management, sales, marketing, and operations for IBM, Qualcomm, and Siemens.

Fram holds a B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Clarkson University and a M.S. in Electrical Engineering and a M.B.A. in International Business from The University of Vermont. He has presented at a number of industry events and holds a patent on RFID/Cellular connectivity for the IoT market.

Outside of the technology industry, Fram enjoys playing hockey and golf and recently completed his Adirondack 46er - a hiking challenge to hike the 46 High Peaks of Northern NY.

Meet Your Instructor - Erin Blauvelt

Erin has worked in online higher education for over 20 years, and brings a wealth of knowledge in instructional design, communications, training, and professional speaking. She prides herself on effective collaboration, of which communication is a key component.

Erin is a Clarkson Alumni, having graduated with a BS in Technical Communications and minor in Psychology. She also holds a Masters of Education in Instructional Design from the University of Massachusetts – Boston. She enjoys sharing knowledge through professional speaking engagements and by conducting professional development. Erin is an award-winning and published expert in accessible online learning design, with a specific interest in making learning successful for all students, no matter the barriers. She is a very active member of Quality Matters, serving as a certified Quality Matters Peer Reviewer, Master Reviewer, Face-to-Face Facilitator, and Online Facilitator for both Clarkson and Quality Matters. She also facilitates workshops for the Online Learning Consortium.

One of Erin’s favorite ways to communicate is visually, through the use of graphics, diagrams, infographics, charts, and more. Her extensive experience in visual design brings about a method of communication that explains concepts in a simple and visually appealing manner.

Get Ready to Learn

Clarkson students, faculty and staff: All students at Clarkson are encouraged to earn microcredentials. Sign up to get started right away. When you click to enroll, login using Clarkson email and proceed to microcredential learning.

New and Returning Guests: if you are an alum, partner or friend of Clarkson - Welcome! We have many microcredentials that are available for you to sign up for. If returning, simply login using your own email or if new, click to create a new account. Follow prompts for pricing and payment. Begin learning in no time at all.